Children's Yoga

Children live in a hurry up world of busy parents, school pressures, homework, numerous after school activities, video games, and competitive sports. We usually don’t think of these influences as stressful for our kids, but often they are. The fast pace of their lives can have a profound effect — often not for the better.

Yoga can help counter these pressures. Through yoga, children learn techniques for self-health and relaxation which allows them navigate life’s challenges with a little more ease. Yoga at an early age encourages self-esteem and body awareness with a physical activity that’s non-competitive. Fostering cooperation and compassion is a great gift to instil in children.

Yoga offers numerous benefits for kids. Physically, it enhances their flexibility, strength, coordination, and body awareness. Mentally it is grounding and calming.

Kid's Yoga Class times

Kids Yoga - 3:15pm Thursday.
Drop-in available. Please contact 0877485459 with queries.
Book your child place for next term here.

Children's Yoga Teacher